


Title: Spiritual Guidance-Based Group Session: Episode








以下はそのサマリーです。テーマは、「気候変動によって引き起こされる災害で苦しむ人々や状況へ、癒しのエネルギーを届ける」。セミナーは英語で行われ、日本語訳が付きました。survivor’s guilt(サバイバーズ・ギルト)についても解説をしています。参加者の方々は、セミナーの途中や最後にコメントや質問をくださいました。












The topics for the whole series are suggested by your spiritual guides,
Today we talk about sending healing energy to people and situation under sufferings due to climate changes.




There are many people suffering from fatal disasters caused by climate changes. For example, in Germany, in the middle of July this year, over 100 people have died from flooding and many people are still missing. Also in Japan, extreme rains caused landslides and mudslides destroying the neighborhood and killing people. Why don’t we work with spiritual guides and our compassion to help those people?




At the same time, when we help those people, we need to care ourselves. We feel sorry for those victims and feel guilty because we are in a good situation. This type of guilt is called as “Survivor’s guilt.” Sensitive people who want to help and care people tend to feel guilty because they are looking at the victims from a good safe place. Good people naturally hope everyone should be in a good safe place. When you find survivor’s guilt happens, learn how to heal it. Otherwise, you keep helping and caring people until all of your energy is gone. 


災害で苦しむ人々を助けると同時に、我々自身を守ることが必要になります。我々は災害の無い良い状況にいるので、被害に遭われた方々に対して、申し訳なく思ったり、罪悪感を抱いたりすることがあります。このような罪悪感は、“survivor’s guilt(サバイバーズギルト)”と呼ばれています。人々を助けたいと思う優しくて繊細な人は、安全でよい場所から被害者を眺めていることに、罪悪感を抱いてしまう傾向にあります。善良な人は、すべての人が、同じように安全な場所にいることを自然に望んでいるからです。ご自身の中に、サバイバーズギルトを感じたら、その罪悪感の癒し方を覚えてください。罪悪感を癒せないままでは、人々を助けたり癒したりし続けてしまって、やがて自分自身のエネルギーを使い果たしてしまいます。




Now let’s start. My role here is to build up better relationship between your spiritual guides and yourself. When I call “the highest one,” please replace the word with whatever you believe in: God, Load, the Divine Source etc.
Your spiritual guides come in. They start caring about your sufferings. Sit in your comfortable position and pay attention to the energy around you.

それでは、始めましょう。私(Ai)のここでの役割は、あなたのスピリチュアルガイドとあなた自身との間により良い関係を築くことです。私は ”The highest one(最も高次の存在)”という言葉を使いますが、「神様」や「主」、「宇宙」などご自分が信じているものに置き換えてください。

Your spiritual guides start healing climate change-related sufferings you have experienced in this lifetime and past lives.

Survivor’s guilt could occur when you remember the memories of the disasters where you couldn’t fully help people.


Your spiritual guide says please feel you are protected. 
Divine protection will come into your body and heart. The energy is getting stronger and higher as your spiritual guide heals the memories  






One of the important things when you help others is not to use your own energy much. If you use only your energy, you would feel drained and could not continue supporting others. In the situation, people are happy to help others in the beginning, but could end up feeling helpless, hopeless and stuck. Please ask divine support instead.





In this session your spiritual guide will teach you how you can help those people  by letting you experience 2 different situations:   In the first situation, you use only your own energy. In the second situation, you work with your spiritual guides and they provide energy. Let’s learn how to work with you spiritual guides.






Close your eyes and try to connect with your spiritual guide first. Please ask your spiritual guide that you would like to support others. Please wait until your spiritual guide answer “yes.” The reason why you have to wait is that sometimes those people might not need your support. In such cases, you could ask their own spiritual guides to take care of them and you may only focus on your stuff.

目を閉じて、スピリチュアルガイドとつながってください。スピリチュアルガイドに、被災者の方々を助けたいとお願いしてください。スピリチュアルガイドから ”Yes”と答えが届くまで待ってください。待たなければならない理由は、あなたの助けを必要としない被災者がいる場合もあるからです。そのような場合は、被災者自身のスピリチュアルガイドにその方をお救い下さいとお祈りして、あなた自身は、自分の人生に集中してください。

On the other hand, when your spiritual guides say “yes,” try to feel your spiritual guides coming into your body and heart. Your spiritual guides will tell you from where you can start healing. Sometime you know the answer through feelings, visions and hearing or sometimes physical senses. Once you receive your answer, ask your spiritual guides to help you. Then they will help you how you can step into the situation and start helping them. You may receive some images of the situation. There is no time and no geographical difference. Just go there and help people now in your mind.


一方で、スピリチュアルガイドから ”Yes”という答えがあった場合は、スピリチュアルガイドがあなたの体と心に入ってくるのを感じるようにしてください。スピリチュアルガイドからの答えは、感情や視覚、聴覚を通じてあなたに伝えられることもありますし、体に感じる感覚として伝えられることもあります。 ”Yes”という答えを受け取ったら、スピリチュアルガイドに力をお貸しくださいと頼んでください。すると、被災者が苦しむ状況で、その方を助けるきっかけを見つける手助けをしてくれます。あなたがその人を助けている場面をイメージとして受け取るかもしれません。時間や地理的な距離は存在しません。ただそこへ行って、心の中でその人々を助けるだけです。

Spiritual guides give you some cautions in helping others: You should be careful that some of those who are suffering tend to take your energy out and make you feel drained. When you feel drained, some of you might feel your energy get empty and feel cold. Therefore, you have to protect yourself first not to let them do so. Just ask your spiritual guides to protect yourself. Please ask for the divine protections and receive the energy. Make sure to protect yourself fully otherwise you may not be able to continue helping.




When your spiritual guides say that’s enough and you can stop, you could also ask them what else you can do.

During this summer, I found that a lot of disasters have occurred in the northern hemisphere. Whenever you hear the news, let’s practice this. Always heal yourself first. If you feel warm you are protected.





Sometimes fear and worries may make your body feel cold. But don’t blame yourself and just ask for divine protections, then you would get warmth.


These feelings are natural indications given by your spiritual guides. So, just let your spiritual guides occur the feelings. Try not to manipulate the feelings by yourselves.



Let’s practice all together. If you don’t know who your spiritual guides are, just trust that you are protected by them. They are working together as a team.

The highest one comes and appreciate your work. Here is a spiritual guidance for all: Trust your intuition you all are protected. You all are chosen ones. The highest one says that it is sending you divine protection. The highest one says now you received 100 % of divine protection.






The theme of the next session is “Maintaining connections with the highest one when you are in transition.” Love you all!


次回のテーマは、「転機の時に、The highest one(最も高次の存在)とのつながりを保つ」です。皆さんに愛を届けます!