



よろしければ、「“Today’s Spiritual Guidance”の用い方を考える」もご参照ください。









In the following spiritual guidance, please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.









A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.


"When someone has heart to help others, the person tends to be worried towards those whom the person lost in his/her past lives. In that situation, the person tends to warn them repeatedly by saying 'Be careful.'"



当院のセミナーに参加されたある女性の方からいただいたご質問: 「AさんはBさんに酷い事をしました。Bさんは許しましたが、それを見ていたCさんはAさんを許せません。BさんはCさんに対し申し訳無く思っています。Cさんはどうしたら癒されますか?」





A woman who participated in our seminar asked a question: “Person A (the A) did a bad thing on Person B (the B). The B forgave the A. But, Person C (the C) who saw the incidence cannot forgive the A. The B feels sorry for the C. How could the C be healed?”


Her spiritual guide gave her a spiritual guidance:

"The C has to remember one of the past lives to investigate why the C cannot forgive the A so much. We tend to get hurt when we see people who get hurt. Even so, if you are a person who can feel others’ pain. However, if the hatred does not disappear, it is common that the root cause is in the person’s past lives. It is often difficult to explain the situation in the level of this lifetime."








A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"My dear. Your past life is becoming real in this lifetime. Accept your destiny and enjoy it."