



よろしければ、「“Today’s Spiritual Guidance”の用い方を考える」もご参照ください。














A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"When you realize that you acquired negative mental habits of your parents, pray to God, ‘How could I differentiate what I have originally as a soul from the acquired mental habits which are not originally mine.’"





A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"When you find the same negative patterns as the ones of your mother who hurt you, pray to God and repeat this affirmation, 'I will end the patterns."


Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.





A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

"When you graduate from your parents, your relationship with others could change suddenly."




A client received a spiritual guidance from one of her spiritual guides.

“Pray to God that you could let go of your lifelong habits since you were little. Even if you cray with your parents, their sadness is a form of their attachment. The more you feel sad together with them, the bigger their problems would become. Therefore, what you can do is to let go of your parents, and be independent from them economically and mentally. Then your parents would change. But, the change may not be the one you expect. So, let go also of your wishes that your parents would change to be parents you want them to be."


Please replace "God" with what you believe, such as God, Buddha, the Universe, ancestors, spiritual guide(s), power animals, etc.